Our work and our reasons for doing it.

The World Meditation Alliance is a regular, global connection of caring, like-minded individuals whose intent is to re-introduce states of harmony, decency, honesty and respect – together with a conscious acknowledgement of there being a core spiritual aspect to our existence here – to humanity and to our planet.
Once a week, either from home or from any quiet location, and connecting via Zoom or in person, members unite to gently set aside ‘self’ for a maximum of forty minutes and to serve during that time as distributors – conduits – for higher vibrational energies… ‘Angelic Intentions’ as we call them.
These frequencies of benevolent spiritual intent, their purpose precisely communicated to the Alliance by an evolved guiding influence in advance of their distribution, are streamed out by the WMA’s membership during each session, enabling these elevating vibrations to reach every soul on Earth, and to also nourish all other forms of life here and the planet itself.
The Intentions are freely offered to humanity – never dictated – giving every human being on Earth the opportunity to either welcome or reject them on a level of soul consciousness.
It is always humanity’s free will choice as to whether positive change is accepted. However, we believe peaceful, positive change is sorely needed at this pivotal point in our history, and the WMA’s intent, by quite literally working hand in hand with angels, is to provide the means and energy for that change to take place as a result of our ongoing weekly meetings.