I have PG here –
He is in a silver-grey robe with a pattern over it. He says that the new angelic vibration concerns – is an expression of – colour, because intention can be expressed as colour. And the colour that needs to be brought through is silver. He says silver is a two-way expression of angelic vibration, because silver (when used as a vibration to ‘surround’ something, for example) acts as a mirror – both at its extremity, facing ‘outwards’, and within itself, facing ‘inwards’. For example, if you have a barrier of silver surrounding someone, then the ‘inside face’ of that barrier reflects back to the person that person’s dominant intentions and wishes. The ‘outside face’ of the barrier is also a mirror, reflecting AWAY from the person anything that is not of their dominant vibration.
The angelic intention is for silver to be manifest on earth so that the silver vibration will cluster around groups of people and around individuals in order to fulfil its purpose in bringing back to them a strengthening of that which they are giving out, in protecting them from that which should not reach them, and also in literally offering those who are bent on distorting spiritual principals a reflection back to themselves of what they are attempting to put out into the world.
The intention, through the silver vibration, is also to express an angelic desire, as follows: ‘Come home.’ ‘COME HOME!’ What is meant by this is ‘come home within yourself’; ‘come home’ to WHAT YOU ARE. ‘Come home’ to your original purpose. ‘Come home’ to your original connection with the Divine and the angelic host. ‘Come home’ to spiritual mind, not head-mind. ‘Come home’ to spiritual mind that explains all, makes all transparent and clear and makes the path ahead so simple to divine and to take.
‘COME HOME!’ That is my title for this intention: ‘COME HOME! And that is what will be expressed as a invitation through the distribution of the silver vibration via your meditations.
See the silver vibration as a ‘sea’; as an ocean of silver emanating out from yourselves and from the circle that you form as a meditative group. See it washing over the earth; washing over all people; washing into the dark corners; washing into every aspect of society: into your buildings, your community places, your seats of government, your families… into every corner; illuminating every corner. Doing its work in every corner. See it washing across the earth – transforming and restoring the consciousness of humanity, and bringing humanity HOME.
…Again, as I often say, while there is still time left to do so.
This connection with silver exists until the 18th of February approximately. You must understand that when I give you a date it is a date that is based on your system of perceiving time. What we see it as is a ‘tailing off’ of one vibration and a bringing in of a further intention. And this vibration ‘tails off’ around the 18th of February in earthly time.