Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. Press the ‘play’ button below to listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or continue reading the full transcript below.
Michael: PG today is in a dark red – not the magenta of last time – a darker red. A Very ‘royal’ looking colour…
He says that the Intention runs from the 16th of July until the 22nd of August, and the title of the Intention is:
PG: The ‘barometer’ – the ‘director’ – of the spirit in normal circumstances is that feeling from within that something is positive or that something is negative… that something is beneficial to a spirit and to every spirit around it, or that something is negative and not of benefit… and on Earth you can call that a ‘conscience’.
Now, because of the prevailing vibrations at the moment, many souls in positions of supposed power have subdued their conscience. It is still there – that ‘barometer’ is still talking to them – but they have packed it away in a ‘back room’; they have ignored it; suppressed it.
During the time of this Intention the conscience – the ability to listen within to the direction one should take – will be strengthened; enhanced; so that those actions that are detrimental to a spirit and to humanity will be highlighted. And there will be no escaping those promptings for the duration of the Intention.
So what is wrong, what is harmful; what is against the direction a spirit should take – will come to the fore in their minds and In their hearts… and will ‘nag’ at their consciousness during the time of the Intention, with the hope that certain souls will have to address those aspects of themselves they have hidden away, and will have to come to terms with their misdemeanours by admitting to themselves that they are mistaken in their actions and must correct those actions immediately.
This is a time for confessions; a time for bringing to light aspects of self for those who are in positions of power that have harmed others, and it is hoped that there will be certain reveals during this time… certain confessions made, and there will be switches of allegiance that will reveal the actions of others who are too enmeshed in the darker vibrations to admit what their conscience is telling them.
I must with a gentle smile also reveal that, because the vibration – the Intention – is global, every soul on Earth will experience ‘bouts of conscience’ during this time. I would say to the members of the WMA do not be too hard on yourselves, which is why I’ve raised a gentle smile. Because the misdemeanours, from your personal point of view, that may come to mind during this time, are minute – minuscule – are what I would categorise as of no real consequence to the progression of your soul. The major ‘stabs’ of conscience will come to those in power and theirs will be the major reveals.
What is wrong on Earth at the moment must be addressed.
What is wrong within souls at the moment must be addressed by those souls, because it not only impedes and chains the progress of every soul on Earth but it also impedes and chains the progress of the souls instigating those actions. This Intention can therefore be looked upon as a release for those souls; as a blessing for them; as a kindness that is being spread across the Earth from Angelic realms at this time… in that it gives them the opportunity to look at what they are doing and to step away from what they are doing if they are strong enough.
If they are not then they will take with them to the next stage of their existence the consequences of what they have done and it will take a mighty effort on their behalf and a huge amount of input from the spirits who will work with them to free them from the prison of their own making, which has been forged as a result of their own conscious choices while on Earth.
Gratitude for your ongoing guidance