Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. Press the ‘play’ button below to listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or continue reading the full transcript below.
Michael: I have P.G. here. I have seen him over the last couple of days and he has been in red, he has been in green and he has also been in a cerise colour – there are a lot of changing frequencies with him. He says that the new Intention is introduced into the existing Intentions that he has given us over the past few months…into the physical, the mental and the spiritual. Those are still in existence within the White Light that was introduced before then, and there is a gradual build-up of subtle vibrations at this time. The intent from May 16th until June 28th is to open the eyes of the world.
The Persian Gentleman: What I mean by that is that vision, as you understand it on Earth, is limited to a certain frequency. Because of recent events and recent earthly societal intentions, the spiritual vision that you each have has not been given the opportunity to blossom.
Spiritual vision is nothing to do with the physical eyes. Spiritual vision is holistic – is a vision that opens souls up to greater understanding of the spiritual mysteries, to greater understanding of each other and to greater understanding of how the planet functions and how society here was meant to and should function.
And so, during the time of this Intention, the vibration will stimulate the spiritual vision of every soul on Earth. …Now that does not mean that every soul on Earth will respond to this vibration, but the opportunity to do so is presented to them.
For those who are receptive to this frequency, the world will shock them because there will come from within each soul a completely different perspective …a completely different way of looking at things that is based in truth and spiritual reality rather than the illusions and deceptions of this world.
This is an extremely important vibration.
All are extremely important vibrations that we have brought through to you, but this one is the culmination of the layering of recent Intentions with the intent of presenting the true story to souls of how life is at present on Earth …in its glory and in its deficiencies …in its best aspects and in its worst aspects. It is the worst aspects that people will be shocked by, because so many souls haven’t realised that they are not only living within restriction but contributing to that restriction via their restricted vision.
For those souls that are receptive to it and awakened by this shift in vibration there will be no going back,and that is an important aspect of the Intention because what is to come positively from the angelic realms needs to be anchored on Earth and distributed on Earth via as many souls as possible.
So, during this time there will be a concerted effort from us, from the angelic realms and, of course, from your dear selves to awaken and anchor in spiritual reality as many souls as possible around the world.
This is a deciding factor and a deciding time.
Very rapidly after the time of this Intention you will see great change, but that change is in the balance. And so, I ask that you be steadfast, that you be determined, that you be positive in your approach to these vibrations and, in your hearts and in your individual spiritual vision, that you see nothing other than a positive, loving, Divine-based result – as a result of these vibrations being introduced into the world.