Persian Gentleman:
From the 20th November (there is an overlap) until the 5th January, the angelic intention is Purity of Purpose, and it is intended that souls on Earth examine their motives during this period and that you give them the energy to do so by channelling that inten3on through to all souls on Earth.
It is intended that this be a period of remorse …a period of intense introspec3on …an examination of purpose …an examination of motive …an examination of consequences. And, through your meditations, there will be a stirring of unrest from within those who are instigating impurity of purpose and who are twis3ng their reason for being here and their reaction to other souls around them. They will be made to feel guilt; they will be made to feel remorse; they will be made to feel unsettled and to question their ac3ons from the point of view of the more spiritual aspects of their personality that they have locked away in order to accomplish what they wish to accomplish.
During the time that they sit, the inten3on could be visualised by the meditators as a bright mauve light that they stream out to envelop every soul. This light vibration will uplift those who have nothing but purity of heart but will unsettle those who know at core that their motives are impure.
As a result of this meditation, it is hoped that many souls will be urged from within to review and redress their approach to life and to others, to make the reconnection with their pure aspects and to let go of those motivations that are causing the harm, distress and coercion of innocent souls.
This impera3ve will be at its peak around the Christmas period and will impinge on people most strongly when they are ‘enjoying’ a holiday …and will be the more pointed with regard to them changing their ways as a result of this. At a time when they are supposed to be happy, they will feel unable to settle and unable to be at peace with themselves. This is good because many should change direc3on and change impera3ve as a result because, in order to live with themselves, they have to redress the balance within and express a difference to people without.
I send peace into the hearts and homes of all who are meditating and a blessing from the heart to their experience during this period (and particularly during the holiday period) with thanks for the effort that enables the angelic inten3ons to be manifest on Earth.