The theme of the Angelic Intention, which reaches from the 16th of September to the 23rd of October, is Reseating of Personal Power, and during this period it is intended – it is requested – that souls view their lives from the heart… not from the physical eyes but from the spiritual heart.
– And this is an uplifting Intention in that, throughout this period, which is from September 16th. to October 23rd, the vibration, if integrated successfully with souls on earth, will give each soul on earth an uplifting moment where they realise that they have sorted a situation; defeated a challenge; balanced some aspect of their life themselves – and there will be a triumphant moment when they say: I did this! I drew on reserves I didn’t know I had! I solved this without any outside influence or help.
The Intention is to reinforce the knowledge that souls already have that the only power that exists, exists within them as a result of them being a fragment of the Divine. It is intended that, as a result of this personal triumph, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem in the grand scheme of things, that there will be, from this point onwards; from this period onwards, an increasing reliance on knowledge and a ‘steering’ from within, rather than a blind dependence on what is purported to be a superior guidance from without; from around them.
This is a time for re-seating of power. It is a crucial time in that the more souls who turn inwards for solutions, the more souls that rely on the power within, the more the power within will manifest itself around and without, and this will, it is hoped, redress the balance of true power on earth. It is time for souls to reinvest in their Divine heritage, and as a result of this, to reintroduce Divine intent and spiritual harmony to the earth and all souls living on the earth.
I know that many of you feel that the Intentions are ‘trying’ – are ‘difficult’… but they have to be ‘difficult’ in that they have to jolt souls out of their current limited mindset. However, it is a delight to be able to share with you the fact that this new Intention is an upliftment. – And the realisation that true power lies within will occur with each soul because of a little personal triumph. And it is those little personal triumphs – those steps along the road of spiritual enlightenment that lead to a complete shift in the way that souls live their lives here. And lead, eventually to a global shift that will reinstate the true purpose for the Earth and for every life living on it.
A true transformation.
A benevolent, loving power that will heal all and chase away the darkness.