Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. Press the ‘play’ button below to listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or continue reading the full transcript below.
Michael: I have P.G. here dressed in mauve/lilac and, coming through him, there is an angel – I can see angelic Light streaming through him. So, he is passing on information from a higher realm as well as his own information that he is giving us.
He says that the Angelic Intention is ongoing and this is the start of a new phase but he will add to it around the 18th November. This Angelic Intention has been put in place and will be in place for quite some time to come. The name of the Intention is: The Wall of Light and he wants the WMA members to understand that this is a ‘parting of the waves’ time …this is a time of division.
The Persian Gentleman:
What a strange word to use: ‘division’, but the Wall of Light (and you are each a part of that Wall of Light) is there from now on to protect, inspire and guide those spirits who are already on the path of Light.
This is a time when many people are afraid; when many people are unsure; when many people feel that they can’t face the future. These are spiritual people …these are good people …these are angels who have grown closer to their origins whilst they have been on Earth. They understand the Light; they are walking in the Light and it is important at this time that that Light – which they have earned the right to absorb and to express – is maintained within them so that their lives here are ‘lightened’ (literally) so that when they depart this life, they can continue along that path of Light without the pollution of the Earth pulling at them, restricting them and preventing them from moving onwards.
And so, each of you is a ‘brick’ in ‘the Wall of Light’. Each of you now is acting as a protective barrier between those that are walking in the Light and those who are not. And this might seem like a negative thing for me to say to you. It is not. It is a joyous thing because so many souls – because of the work you have already done – are aware of there being more to their lives than the physical …more to their lives than the material. So many souls have placed themselves, with your help, on the path of Light that leads into the spiritual spheres and away from the current confusion of this world.
And so, I ask you to carry on with strength, with vigour and with resolve because each of you will be used and is being used as a channel for that Light to encapsulate those who are already moving in the Light and on the path that leads back to the spiritual spheres and to Divinity.
These messages are so very important to me. It has been so challenging lately and I feel like I am AlWAYS asking God/Angels etc. to help me. I am so grateful when my prayers have been answered. I just smile!
So this message from PG is so relevant today. Thank you so much.