Join us weekly to spread Light across the world.
To become a member simply click the map corresponding to where you live and complete the simple form. We have groups in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia.
You will then be emailed a Zoom link weekly in advance of each session.

How Do I Join?
Find your local alliance depending on your timezone. We have groups in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia. Once you register, you will be sent a Zoom access link by email in advance of each meeting.
You can download Zoom here:

What Happens Next?
We sit in unity with a common purpose.
…That purpose being to align ourselves with ‘Angelic Intentions’: specific spiritual frequencies that are active over certain time periods in helping the Earth and humanity.
We act as human conduits – channellers – for these vibrations, working together to bring in spiritual energies and intentions that can re-introduce love and harmony to our world and effect lasting, positive change here, streaming them out to all souls and to all life non-judgmentally.
We do not concentrate on individual requests – sitting instead for the whole of humanity and for our planet.

How Do We Receive Angelic Intentions?
Each month (approximately) we receive a new intention channelled through trance medium Michael G Reccia. This imperative, delivered to us by a communicator from of an evolved discarnate ‘soul group’ of spirits, explains in detail the needs (vibrationally) of the Earth and humanity during the period the new intention will be active for, and also the effect the intention’s energies will have on our planet and its peoples.

Who Can Take Part?
Absolutely anyone who sincerely wishes to see real, lasting, positive, spiritual change take place on a global level.

What Can I Expect?
It’s simple:
Prior to joining the meeting you minimise any noise and eliminate any potential interruptions from around you (by switching off your phone, for example).
You then sit down and make yourself comfortable.
The actual meditation lasts for around an hour, with fifteen minutes’ grace beforehand during which participants can join the meeting via Zoom.
Once the meditation begins the session’s host will gently guide you into a state of inner calm and peace. Don’t worry – you will be able to easily accomplish this part with our guidance.
This first step connects us to each other, to the Angelic realm ‘above’ us, and to the Earth beneath our feet (this initial ‘tuning in’ visualisation – lasting around twenty minutes – is identical for each session and your proficiency will grow as you become increasingly familiar with it).
The next step is for the current Angelic Intention to be read out. As this is done members unconditionally align themselves with the intentions and frequencies of the angelic realm.
Having done this it’s time to become still and allow the vibrational frequencies of the current Intention to transfer down from the Angelic realm, through us, for distribution as appropriate via the energy system (Ley lines) of the Earth and also, through the group, to all souls and all forms of life across the globe.
Once this infusion of spiritual energy is complete, either myself or one of my colleagues will gently bring you around and ensure that you are safely returned to your everyday state of consciousness. Have no worries – you will be guided and protected at every stage of every meditation.
Together we work in selfless service of humanity and our planet to ensure the establishment of a decent, kind, loving, respectful, spiritually-aware future for our world, for this generation and for generations to come.
Lasting positive change for our world can only happen through the reintroduction of a global, non-denominational, spiritual perspective and spiritual values. Abandon our spiritual heritage, as we have been increasingly urged to do by society of late, and we abandon our humanity and our true purpose in being here.
We, as a group, can be a vital part of the change that must and will manifest in the near future.