We were delighted to have a surprise visit from one of our regular meditators, Daisy. Daisy spent a few days with us at our spiritual hub – The Sanctuary of Healing in Blackburn, Lancashire. Here’s what Daisy had to say…
Angelic Intention: Conscience
Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. Press the ‘play’ button below to listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or continue reading the full transcript below.
Michael: PG today is in a dark red – not the magenta of last time – a darker red. A Very ‘royal’ looking colour…
He says that the Intention runs from the 16th of July until the 22nd of August, and the title of the Intention is:
PG: The ‘barometer’ – the ‘director’ – of the spirit in normal circumstances is that feeling from within that something is positive or that something is negative… that something is beneficial to a spirit and to every spirit around it, or that something is negative and not of benefit… and on Earth you can call that a ‘conscience’.
Now, because of the prevailing vibrations at the moment, many souls in positions of supposed power have subdued their conscience. It is still there – that ‘barometer’ is still talking to them – but they have packed it away in a ‘back room’; they have ignored it; suppressed it.
During the time of this Intention the conscience – the ability to listen within to the direction one should take – will be strengthened; enhanced; so that those actions that are detrimental to a spirit and to humanity will be highlighted. And there will be no escaping those promptings for the duration of the Intention.
So what is wrong, what is harmful; what is against the direction a spirit should take – will come to the fore in their minds and In their hearts… and will ‘nag’ at their consciousness during the time of the Intention, with the hope that certain souls will have to address those aspects of themselves they have hidden away, and will have to come to terms with their misdemeanours by admitting to themselves that they are mistaken in their actions and must correct those actions immediately.
This is a time for confessions; a time for bringing to light aspects of self for those who are in positions of power that have harmed others, and it is hoped that there will be certain reveals during this time… certain confessions made, and there will be switches of allegiance that will reveal the actions of others who are too enmeshed in the darker vibrations to admit what their conscience is telling them.
I must with a gentle smile also reveal that, because the vibration – the Intention – is global, every soul on Earth will experience ‘bouts of conscience’ during this time. I would say to the members of the WMA do not be too hard on yourselves, which is why I’ve raised a gentle smile. Because the misdemeanours, from your personal point of view, that may come to mind during this time, are minute – minuscule – are what I would categorise as of no real consequence to the progression of your soul. The major ‘stabs’ of conscience will come to those in power and theirs will be the major reveals.
What is wrong on Earth at the moment must be addressed.
What is wrong within souls at the moment must be addressed by those souls, because it not only impedes and chains the progress of every soul on Earth but it also impedes and chains the progress of the souls instigating those actions. This Intention can therefore be looked upon as a release for those souls; as a blessing for them; as a kindness that is being spread across the Earth from Angelic realms at this time… in that it gives them the opportunity to look at what they are doing and to step away from what they are doing if they are strong enough.
If they are not then they will take with them to the next stage of their existence the consequences of what they have done and it will take a mighty effort on their behalf and a huge amount of input from the spirits who will work with them to free them from the prison of their own making, which has been forged as a result of their own conscious choices while on Earth.
A Few Words From WMA Member Karen
One of our regular meditators, Karen, came to see us at The Sanctuary of Healing in Lancashire. Here Karen shares a few words about her trip and attending our Friday meditation in person.
Angelic Intention: a ‘Severing’ and a ‘Boosting’
Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. Press the ‘play’ button below to listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or continue reading the full transcript below.
This was delivered to Michael G Reccia via our soul group guide, The Persian Gentleman (‘PG’), and is in two parts, titled: A Severing and a Boosting.
Here’s the Intention:
Michael: ‘PG’ appeared in a very bright Magenta colour this time, as he had over the couple of days leading up to this communication.
The title of the next Intention, which runs from May 29th until July 15th is:
A ‘Severing’ and a ‘Boosting’.
There is a duality of purpose to this vibration, and I must stress that this vibration will only affect – only be ‘let in’ by – those who on a level of spiritual consciousness accept this and wish it to happen. It will not be forced on any soul across the world but it is hoped that those who are ready to receive it will do so and will benefit from its distinct vibrations.
The vibration’s first purpose is to separate – to sever – the aura of every soul on earth who will accept the vibration from its usual input. The input to the aura is usually influenced by the physical world around it, by the field of humanity which is around it and which infuses it. And so there is usually so much clutter in a soul’s aura – so much negativity – so much negative influence, that it is next to impossible for that soul to consider life from a spiritual perspective; from a spiritual viewpoint. And so the first action of this vibration is to sever – to ‘cut off’, to ‘unplug’ – that connection to a person’s aura. So, for the period of this Intention, if they are willing to have this happen they will be ‘disconnected’ from the usual flow of information to their senses – both physical and spiritual. Now this is a good thing because it will create a ‘breathing space’ which will allow the second half of the vibration to act as it is supposed to.
The second purpose of the vibration is to boost the connection to spiritual aspects of life for every soul on earth – again with their permission. And so there will be a ‘boosting’ of the spiritual senses – a strengthening of the spiritual senses – and a strengthening of the sensing of a connection not only to higher vibrations but also to all souls.
The vibration will strengthen the sense of spiritual community on earth and also strengthen the sense of the need for that community; the rightness of that community and the need to connect with All; to acknowledge that each soul is a part of the All and to revel in that realisation.
This is a period when two things will happen to those souls who are receptive to the vibration. There will be a sudden disconnection – a sudden ‘unplugging’ from the usual channel of information, which may leave them feeling a little ‘dizzy’; a little disorientated’, initially. They will know that something has happened, and in some cases souls will even seek medical advice, but then discover there is nothing wrong. If they will stay calm for a few days they will realise that there is nothing wrong and that what has happened to them has just been a ‘passing phase’ as they will describe it – as they will justify it to themselves.
Then they will find they feel distanced from their usual viewpoint of life, their usual usual ‘colouring’ of events. It will feel as though they are in a void, as though the energy that usually comes to them is no longer available to them. But at that point the second half – the second purpose of the vibration – will take over and flood their aura with a ‘lightness’, with a feeling of wellbeing, and also a feeling that there is more to their earthly lives than they have imagined.
It will prompt – urge – spiritual thoughts – and will cause higher thoughts to manifest in their thought process. Even those who have never considered the finer aspects of being – the nobler aspects of being – will begin to look at these; to entertain thoughts and concepts that previously have been pushed out by the effects of the field of human consciousness on their aura.
This is a time of awakening and it is hoped that those who awaken during this period (because the effects will fade after the 15th of July) will retain an imperative to grow spiritually, to investigate spiritually, and to look at the aspects of life they have been severed from for a few weeks differently. To weigh them up. To evaluate them. To judge them from the right perspective. And to draw conclusions that will change their lives and cause them to look at society, at what they are being told, at what they are being instructed to do, with opened eyes; with spiritually-infused vision, and, as a result, continue to turn the tide against the darkness that is seeking to overwhelm all things at this time and place itself at the centre of a web of dark worship.
I could go into this at greater depth but this is not the time nor the occasion to do so.
Suffice it to say there is a ‘tug-of-war’ happening at the moment and that tug-of-war needs to come down on the side of the Light… and the more souls who become aware of spiritual truth – of their spiritual position in life – the more souls we will have on the side of the Light. And we will come to a point where the Light will sweep across and over the darkness like a tidal wave and wash it away and eliminate it and restore the true spiritual landscape to the earth; and security and peace and creative ability and harmony to the souls living on this planet.
I think I’ve said enough to explain the nature of the vibration. I ask those of you who are meditating to be keenly aware of how people around you act during this time. And you will see that the two things I have spoken about – the two aspects of the vibration – are taking effect. You will be able to take note and say: ‘Yes…PG has delivered us the correct Angelic Intention and there is great change in people at this time… and I will continue to work, to meditate, together will all other members of the WMA to ensure that that advancement in consciousness does not disappear at the end of this period of vibration.’
Angelic Intention: Reconnection
Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. You can listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or read the full transcript, below.
Pre-Intention note:
(Michael: I saw PG earlier this earlier in the morning dressed in a murky, drab-olive colour. I thought, ‘That’s not like PG.’ He explained that the colour changes were an indicator of the change of vibration that is hoped for and being worked towards and the drab-olive changed from a murky green, representing the field, to a lighter green, which represents peace, and then to the yellow of change. I could then see a sun-like brilliance streaming out of his chest: the yellow of intense change, he told me, that will take place if this new vibration is successfully received by souls on Earth.)
The Intention:
Michael: I have PG here and he’s dressed in green with a yellow light streaming out from his chest area, which is a transformation of colour that signifies what this new intention is about.
And the title of the Intention is:
PG: This is a time when souls around the world will be prompted to recognise their spiritual connection to each other, to the Divine and to higher vibrational realities. It needs a great deal of power – which is inherent in this vibration – to accomplish this; to promote some stirrings of spiritual recognition in every soul.
The Intention lasts from the 28th of April until the 29th of May. It is a time when a voice within the mind – from the back of the mind – will, in a mystical way, talk to each soul and remind them of their spiritual heritage. The effect will not be apparent immediately – it is something that will unfold in the minds of those that are receptive to the vibration over many months, but the seed will be planted during this next period.
It is an important seed because the challenges that are being presented on Earth at the moment need to be questioned and approached from within and, as the challenges grow so will the strength of this particular vibration.
Humanity cannot continue denying what it is; denying what it is at core; denying that it is an expression of Creation and Divine creative intent. It cannot continue denying that fact. It has to acknowledge its heritage, its purpose in being here and its connection to all things. This is not an imperative from our realities and even higher realities, it is a prompt; it is a strengthening of the link between all living things on Earth and the Divine and our existences.
The new vibration will be felt as a ‘niggle’ – as an ‘itch’ that needs to be scratched. It is a higher level of consciousness that will suffuse the earthly consciousness of every soul, so that they will be able to recognise from the heart that there is something more to their lives on Earth.
The ‘shallowness’ of life on Earth will also be brought into question during this period… and by this I mean the shallowness of life – as in life without any spiritual depth – will be recognised by many souls for the first time and they will crave something more. The shallowness of how they are living life compared to how they should and could be living life, will be brought to mind.
This will cause disturbance. This will cause upset. This will cause a re[1]evaluation of their life path for many souls. And this is good. The individual status quo has to be questioned if there is ever to be a fulfilment of potential, a blossoming of spiritual growth, a recognition of the core purpose of individuality, the core purpose of experience, and the core imperative to illuminate every other soul and bring experience and unique visions back to the Divine.
I know I often say this… but this is an extremely important vibration because it seeks to reveal the ultimate truth; not ‘truth’ as perceived through the filter of the physical mind but truth that emanates from the Source of all things, that pervades all things, that reveals the true nature of ‘be-ing’ on Earth and supercedes and eradicates all the petty viewpoints of Earth, replacing them with the only valid viewpoint: one which permits a continuous flow of love, harmony, creation, unity, companionship and kindness to All and rejoices in the ongoing unfolding of be-ing for the good of All.
Angelic Intention: Purity
Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. You can listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or read the full transcript, below.
PG is in silver – he has a beautiful silver aura around him and he’s in a silver robe, and with a matching silver hat, of course.
PG: I’m dressed in silver because silver is a vibration that cleanses and is of particular relevance to the following instruction regarding the Angelic Intention. Note that in the World Meditation Alliance you will be surrounded by the silver vibration during the time of this new Intention, and if you infuse your meditation and your body and your mind and the love that you are giving out – if you incorporate the silver vibration into these things as you are meditating as channels for the Intention – you will enhance the effect of that Intention as it is distributed into the world.
The Angelic Intention from 25th. March until 27th. April is:
Every spirit has at core a pure intent, but that intent becomes masked and corrupted because of the vibrations of earth and the desire for many to invest in the illusion of perceived power… the illusion of finance and material gain. However, that core intention is always there because at core each person is a spirit, and at core each person is angelic. And it is in the translation from the original intent to the outward action that corruption and deception takes place.
It is intended during this period that the core ‘pureness of action’ reveal itself in some way across the world. In other words, despite themselves, many will have no choice but to exhibit something of the truth in their actions, their words, their deeds during this period. And also it is hoped that that purity of vibration will shine through from every soul on earth to help to redress the balance of vibrations on the earth at this time.
It will act as a reminder that there is a different way to live.
A reminder that there is a different way to approach those around you.
A reminder that there is a core Divine aspect to every soul.
This is a turning point if the Intention manifests as we wish it to do; as the angelic host wish it to manifest.
Pure thoughts. Pure actions.
Spiritual thoughts. Spiritual actions.
These are to the forefront during this time. And also the voices of those that are already exhibiting pure intent will be magnified; will be amplified. So that voices that thus far have been wholly or partially ignored will be heard because that pure vibration that you will amplify during your meditations will give them a clarity vibrationally that will be picked up by other souls and responded to… because pure responds to pure. The purity within one soul will be able to identify and align with the purity in another soul.
So this is a time for pure voices to be heard. This is a time for pure actions to escape the corruption of earth at the moment and manifest, and this is a time when surprising actions by those who have prior to the time of this Intention seemingly worked against humanity will blossom.
It is intended to be an extraordinary time. But that extraordinary time will only come about if the vibration that we are bringing to you at this time is amplified, is strengthened and is distributed through your efforts. So, my eternal gratitude for your part in this, your vital part in this, and my earnest request that you give as you have been doing thus far – your All – in distributing the vibration of purity during this period.
I want to add that the pure vibrations – the spiritual vibrations – that you each have at heart are capable of dispersing the negativity and the heaviness of your world like ashes in the wind. In other words, I would remind you that the vibrations that we bring you are far more powerful than the supposed status quo of earth at the moment. And that the Light doesn’t need so much to take hold as to re-establish itself. It is always there. It has always been there. It is just buried and hidden and masked.
The vibrations that we are bringing you over the next few months specifically are aimed to re-establish, to strengthen, to reveal more than anything – to reveal the core goodness of humanity, the core purity of the spirit.
Thank you for your vital work, without which at this time the distribution of these crucial vibrations would not be possible.
Pendle, Oh Pendle
Today, we completed our musical recording of an old local folk song about Pendle Hill, sung by our very own angel, the talented Vanessa Reynolds, who is also the manager of the Sanctuary. The song has been skilfully arranged and edited, and features backing vocals by Wayne Avanson, a member of our inner Joseph group, with additional support provided by Sanctuary acupuncturist Sue Keedy, who also possesses an angelic voice. For an exclusive preview, click the player below and please pay particular attention to the second and last verses.
This was truly a family affair, and there’s no way I can wait until the film is complete before sharing the song with you as it’s absolutely amazing, and I’m incredibly excited about it! Therefore, and as a precursor to the film, allow me to share with you an advance airing of the song – you are the first listeners (excluding our producers and singers, of course) ever to hear this version.
We are currently producing a short film that illustrates the significance of the location of the Sanctuary (the home of the WMA and the Joseph Communications) which is situated at the geographical centre of the UK. This location is a focus for magical, mystical and, most importantly, spiritual energies and is situated directly beneath Pendle Hill, which is historically renowned for its witch lore and also as the location where George Fox received inspiration leading to the establishment of the Quaker movement.
If you would like to take part in our next World Meditation Alliance group sessions:
- Friday, 10th March (with Tony in the UK)
- Monday, 13th March (with Mark in the US)
- Tuesday, 14th March (our second UK-based meeting hosted by Charlotte)
To join us please click on the links above to sign up for free.
Symbols of Intention
The word Intention crops up in so many areas. I am clear that an intention is the first step in creating our future. Here is a beautiful article my wife, Sheila, gave me about how candles have a Universal Intention:
Candles are one of the few objects that have a universal appeal and are ancient, having been used by different cultures throughout history. They are not only beautiful to look at but have cross-cultural significance, which has contributed to their longevity. In many major religions, candles play a significant role as a symbol of passion, devotion, and connection to a higher power. Lighting a candle for someone signifies an intention to pray for them, and it is a practice that is widely adopted across different faiths.
The practical function of candles in everyday life cannot be overstated. They cast a soft, unobtrusive light that creates a restful and reflective atmosphere, perfect for relaxation or meditation. The idea of candles being used as a symbol of peace and tranquillity is one that is embraced across many cultures. In Christianity, lighting a candle signifies the remembrance of light being anchored into the world, while in Hinduism, it is a strong symbol of hope and prosperity. In Buddhism, the burning candle flame represents the light of the Buddha’s teachings.
The use of candles and incense also invokes the idea of change, which is a constant in life. Just as candles cannot exist without fire, humans cannot exist without a spiritual life. Candles are a reminder that we are part of a larger universe and that we can tap into our spiritual selves to effect change in our lives.
The use of candles as a symbol of intention is deeply ingrained in different cultures and religions worldwide. They have both practical and symbolic significance, serving as a source of light, hope, and connection to a higher power. They remind us of the power of intention, and the importance of creating a positive vision for our future.
You can read about the new Angelic Intention by clicking here. We are making a difference.