The original intention for this planet was for every soul visiting it to be in full knowledge of the fact that they were not only a physical person, but also a spirit person; that their journey through this life had a purpose; that they were an eternal – immortal – being, and that there was absolutely nothing to fear from so-called ‘death…
…Now doesn’t that sound like a liberating perspective compared to the limiting, restrictive way we are being urged to live at the moment?
We are here to love each other – not to harm, subjugate or dominate each other; not to ruthlessly vie for power and control; not to worship money and hoard shiny trinkets. These self-destructive tendencies within society are rapidly creating a morally bankrupt and spiritually redundant humanity.
This world has a spiritual imperative – that of presenting a beautiful, nurturing backdrop against which visiting souls – us – can joyously explore and realise their potential as individuals and as groups united in common purpose …and that imperative still exists beneath the dense vibrations of materiality society has submerged itself in. The Earth’s true purpose can be reinstated with help from restorative energies originating from more refined vibrations of reality – vibrations we, as the spirit people we really are, originate from and are still connected to via our hearts.

Recreating the utopia the Earth was and is still intended to be is not an impossible task, no matter how dark things may currently seem …all it would take to create lasting peace and harmony here is for enough of us to work together with the higher vibrational healing energies – ‘Angelic Intentions’, as we call them – that are constantly being transmitted to us.
As a result of having constructed a dense prison of low vibration around ourselves and our world, for the ‘Angelic Intentions’ offered to us to have the desired transformative effect on our lives and the planet, it is required at present that they be filtered into society via human ‘receptors’ acting as channels for their high frequencies.
That’s where the WMA comes in, its regular meetings uniting members as a super-efficient family of Light-workers – a family caring enough to spend a little of its time each week streaming pure vibrations into our world to mend this planet and heal its peoples.
What do we hope to achieve? …We are working towards a day that must dawn – a day when humanity comes to its senses, acknowledges its spiritual origins and stops harming itself and this beautiful world. The Light-energy and Intentions members unite to distribute to our planet and every soul living on it each week have the power to change everything here for the better… for ourselves, our families and all for life on Earth.
There’s no need to feel powerless in present circumstances … there IS something you can do… please consider taking positive spiritual action with us…
…Working together we will make a lasting difference.