In this article, Tony Clarkson reflects on the origins of The Sanctuary of Healing in Langho, Lancashire, England.
In my last blog, I explained how the earth has power points and also a grid of connecting Ley Lines. Our planet is the macrocosm and we human beings the microcosm, each possessing a system of meridians and chakras. Humans are, in miniature, a replica in energetic terms of the planet’s spiritual underpinnings, each of us, nevertheless, being immensely powerful, spiritually speaking, and capable of channelling positive transformational energies to humanity and our world.
The Sanctuary of Healing is a hub for such energies – the home of The Joseph Communications and the World Meditation Alliance – as well as having its own unique identity as a complementary healing centre, sourcing and offering the very best vibrational therapies.
How did the Sanctuary come into being, fifteen years ago, in exactly the right location?

As its founder, I would originally have said it came to fruition via a series of good decisions and good luck.
Fifteen years later I know better – its creation had nothing to do with good decisions or good fortune… it was ‘ordained’ ( I can’t think of a better word); part of a bigger plan – a Divine plan – that would either be carried out as intended or not. I add ‘or not’ because I now recognise that every one of us has free will to either work in harmony with Divine intention or choose not to.
Luckily, and I have to say, initially unwittingly, I was to play a key part in that plan to create this amazing space we call the Sanctuary of Healing.
From initial planning to the opening ceremony three years later, everything flowed:
– The right building became available at the right price in the right situation.
– The right architects, who just happened to have a time slot, became available.
– The right building company came on board, understanding that this project was special.
I also now realise, after many ups and downs in my life, that there is a lot of truth in those old phrases, ‘If life feels like walking through treacle, change direction,’ and ‘If you’re in a hole, stop digging.’
Watching the Sanctuary grow from the ground up and becoming aware of the series of miracles that assisted that growth was process of deep, deep inner joy, coupled with a growing inner knowing that something special was in the making.