The title of the new intention is: ‘Expansion’.
– And just as the last intention was over a short period, this intention covers a longer period – from April 12th. until May 25th. inclusive. The intention during this period is to prompt the human heart to open to the possibility of each human being being more than it appears to be; open to the possibility of considering the physical universe – not just the planet, but the physical universe around it; open to the possibility of considering the spiritual realms – the spiritual spheres – beyond the Earth and beyond the physical universe; open to the possibility of there being other universes. …To expand the heart that, at this moment, is ‘contracted’; restricted; locked-in …is considering only the smallest of perceptions.
In order to experience angelic consciousness the human heart has to become aware of and make a connection to that consciousness – and it is this prerogative that the intention is concentrating on during this period. By opening up the human heart; by urging that – subconsciously and spiritually – the individual consider that there is more to it, that there is more around it than simply the Earth and its limited perception, it is hoped that connection will be made – or re-made – with angelic vibrations which will continue that journey of expansion for each soul on Earth, allowing them to make judgements based on a greater view rather than being entrenched in ingrained views that are causing such problems on Earth at the moment.
People will find themselves for the first time moving their consciousness away from just the Earth… considering the stars, the planets, the solar systems, the galaxies… considering where the limits of the physical universe can be found and considering what lies beyond the physical universe. Such inner promptings will, as with all Angelic Intentions at this time, cause disturbance. Cause unrest. Cause unease. But there will, of course, be positive aspects too, and these will outweigh the unease. The positive aspects will be that, perhaps for the first time in their lifetime, many souls will begin to understand the confinement of the human condition and acknowledge that there is an expanded consciousness that will take them beyond that human condition and bring into the human condition greater knowledge, greater appreciation of creation and a reconnection with Divine guidance and angelic influence.
During this time many souls will experience vivid dreams which, if interpreted correctly, will convey to them a sense of being ‘expanded’; of being taken into a greater vision of reality… and if these dreams are not interpreted correctly then they will be repeated so that souls will be given multiple opportunities to contemplate a greater world than they have experienced thus far in their lives, and to break the confines of head-mind thinking – to ‘unshackle’ themselves and let in vibrations that will give them access to the knowledge that there is a greater reality than the one they perceive through their limiting physical and mental senses.